One Egg Roll Down, 224 More to Go

Preparing for a poukhan is like planning a Lao wedding: make lots of food! When you have lots of food, cards and alcohol, you know you’re at a Lao party. Humnoy’s poukhan is this weekend and we’re busy making food to share with our friends and family and any Lao party isn’t complete without egg rolls!

So here I am slaving away on the Lao sit stool slumped over a kao-thoke, a Laotian dinner table of sorts, making a ton of these crispy little morsels of rolled eats!


One down. Calling in my sister-in-law for reinforcements. Laotian Commotion: Out.

What’s your favorite Lao party food? What other cultures have you attended in their parties?

2 thoughts on “One Egg Roll Down, 224 More to Go

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