Did My Mommy Hunch Ruin Overnight Camping?

toddler's first camping trip

I attempted my first and hopefully last chance at making a ghetto coloring book complete with quadruple-folded stack of lined paper stuffed into a sandwich bag along with a crayola marker and a credit union pen. The coloring book was going along with swim trunks, baby sunscreen, and lots (two, to be exact) of clean underwear. My baby 2-year-old was going on an overnight camping trip with his dad.

toddler's first camp tripWhy did I go pack-happy on extra underwear for a potty-trained toddler for just an overnighter, you ask? Because there’s shit in the woods that scare the shit outta you. Because I’m a worry wort. Because I have what’s called a mommy hunch. First, let me talk about the tears. Oh, the Mama Tears. The last time I cried when he left me was when he was gone for just a few hours. Then, I mainly cried because I felt obligated to do laundry during this rare (truly) alone time before Lanoy came. I also cried because Humnoy was big. I knew I would cry when he would be away for an entire evening but I didn’t question Gym Hottie’s impromptu decision to take a baby toddler on a camping trip. Hot wet things rolled down my cheeks as my baby 2-year-old waved, without looking at me, on his way to the car. More hot wet things stung my eyes as I ran to the window to prolong the view of a baby all grown up so the mental picture will last until the next morning.

GH said he’d call. 10:30 pm rolls around and no word so I assumed the wolves smelled out soft baby hair or camping bedtime works better than my tedious all-day prep. 20 minutes later, GH revealed “he wasn’t ready.” I held my quip to pin the lack of readiness on the male adult in that scenario but just listened for what happened. Being fully potty trained for the past month, Humnoy had all the accidents ever to happen. He peed through the arrival pair of Thomas the Train undies and then went on to shit through the next two pairs in which I dolefully packed because I am a mom psychic. Although I did not foresee that they would be on their way back home at 11:30 pm or Hershey stains.

Did I know in my selfish of hearts that my toddler needs me and/or our solid home routine still? Very well could. Probably felt my gloating husband would not make it through the night with a toddler? Probably. Perhaps my instinct revealed to be a self-fulfilling prophecy? Perhaps. Maybe the 2-year-old isn’t quite cut out for a full-on camping trip? Maybe. Could my 2-year-old still be my baby? Yes, always.


I’m not crying.

12 thoughts on “Did My Mommy Hunch Ruin Overnight Camping?

  1. Hahahahha! Don’t you love it when you’re right? You forgot to add that you probably had that evil mommy grin when GH called, that “I knew he wasn’t ready to go with you camping, BUT, if you insist, ok take him. And secretly knew or hoped they would be back grin!” mommy’s hunch never is wrong. Lol They don’t say mother’s know best for no reason.

    • I have the Burt’s Bee’s sunscreen stick. I’ll be honest and say I saw it on clearance at Walmart for $7 and bought it. Before I’ve used the California Baby sunscreen stick from Target, which I liked better because it was easier to rub in. I also use baby (tear-free) Banana Boat for the rest of the body sometimes just because that’s such a large surface area than to tediously apply a stick to, ya know? Haha

    • I don’t think we’ll ever be ready! I just knew I’d cry. I cried because he was so excited to go on an adventure with his dad. I cried because he didn’t even look back at me crying. To his credit, I think he was just having too much fun and just crapped himself doing so. O_o

  2. Okay, this makes me feel SO much better about my experience “camping” (in cabins) with my kiddo. He’s great the first night if he sleeps with me (in reasonable close proximity), but the 2nd night of camping he has to have AT LEAST 3 limbs touching me. I can also expect about 20 minutes of sleep the whole night.

  3. hmmm…we’re going camping next weekend and to Yosemite in August. Our little one isn’t potty training but I now worry about his stress factor. I will be there with him so hopefully we will be ok. We will see how it goes.

So, what do you think?