When Solo Parenting Can Involve The Authorities

The uniformed man with an emblazoned ‘Rescue Team’ on his crew neck sweater, steps in to chat with the grumpy toddler. He cheerfully asks the toddler if he’s listening to his mama and Humnoy shoots Rescue Man the death glare. Irony is that my first day of temporary solo parenting somehow has or should have involved authorities. Mainly because the general public does not know I’m suffering from what’s called “husband business trip.” They don’t know my life.

The last time I shared my glamorous journey in solo parenting, I gave out secret reasons why it’s a good time when Dada’s out of town. I have strayed from good times and have possibly hit a new low in solo parenting struggles.

Scene of the crime: Grocery store I made the mistake of forgoing the ergoBaby carrier for grocery shopping. Humnoy is a child, who literally cannot sit still, and was ready to climb out of the shopping cart by the time I took out my shopping list. I take him out and let him wander and Rescue Man appears within three minutes of me doing so. After the toddler death glare, he then inches a few to bolt down the cereal aisle until the Rescue Man gently reminds him to stay close to his mama. Another death glare but he stayed and decides to strike up a toddler jibber-jab with Rescue Man about the balloon next to the discounted meat freezer, which I quickly bribed for some ‘inside voice please.’ I’m forever grateful that bribery is not against the law.

Humnoy Life solo parenting

Scene of the crime: Mail box There are times when you just don’t think it’s necessary to buckle in a cranky toddler into his carseat just to drive down the hill of your apartment community. So, you don’t and pull a Britney, y’all.

pulling a britney solo parenting

What questionable things have you done in (solo) parenting?

*No children were harmed in the absence of a second parent.

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10 thoughts on “When Solo Parenting Can Involve The Authorities

  1. I used to let my son have sips off my beer. Hm… what else. I swear I do MORE questionable stuff now, just not stuff the cops would butt in about. Kids get older & people aren’t in your ass about them as much. AS MUCH.

  2. You didn’t pull a Britney, you just pulled a real Lao style moment :))) Carseats? Seat belts? Don’t think I’ve seen anyone use those here… 😉 I’m getting myself mentally ready for the day River, Daddy and I motorbike it.. (we don’t own a car, like 80% of the population here..)

  3. I wouldn’t buckle my kid in for that either!
    I miss the ergo! Shopping carts are apparently torture for little boys but the ergo just hasn’t been comfy with a growing belly and I’m not really supposed to be carrying him anyway. But I miss it everyday. It’s the perfect way to confine Malachi without his actually knowing it. It’s basically a magic carrier. 😉

    • Our mailbox is a 5-minute walk and a 30-second drive so I wasn’t about to sweat it. 😉

      The ergo isn’t *the* most comfortable way to carry him but it’s the only way I can, like you said, confine him because boys do NOT like shopping carts, apparently. I have to buckle it low beneath the belly bump but surprisingly at almost 32 weeks, I’m still okay wearing it. Very thankful, actually. We can’t afford another carrier anyway.

So, what do you think?