On the Day Before My Due Date

1) I received my home birth kit supplies box.

2) I’m spraying vinegar cleaner on every surface I can.

3) I’m clipping coupons.

4) I’m not showing any signs of labor right now.




Guess what that plastic tub oversized bowl is for?

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20 thoughts on “On the Day Before My Due Date

  1. Love this post – but your comment above “I’m using the shit out of it” made me snort. You use that placenta, sister! Use the SHIT out of it!! 🙂

  2. Well just asked hubs what he would have thought about me doing the same with Makana’s placenta. He had the stank face asking WHY?!?!? Started to explain to him barely had helps with PPD he hollers YES if it helps with that…. Damn was I that bad… Guessing so… Ooops 😉

So, what do you think?